Episode 151: Rockstar Interview Series: Trusting Yourself, Overcoming Obstacles, and The Power of Community with Neo-Soul Artist Tre' Rochelle



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Tre' Rochelle is a remarkable neo-soul artist who effortlessly fuses soulful beats with a modern jazz twist. Her music's foundation lies in storytelling, inviting listeners on an introspective journey filled with love, pain, and self-reflection. Tre' hopes her music will resonate on a profound level, inspiring listeners to heal, chase their dreams and connect with her distinctive musical vibe.

In this inspiring episode, Tre' Rochelle shares her journey with Modern Musician, shedding light on her feeling of lostness before stumbling upon the community She also discusses the challenges and triumphs she has encountered as an indie artist, the transformative lessons she learned from the MM team, and her journey towards self-discovery and authenticity.

Here’s what you’ll learn about: 

  • Learn how Tre' Rochelle landed a $5000 gig leveraging the Modern Musician system.

  • Why coaching and community support are so powerful for your music career. 

  • Discover how to overcome hurdles and the significance of valuing your mission over others’ opinions.

Michael: All right. I am super excited to be here today with Tre Rochelle. So Tre is one of my favorite human beings. I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with her in L. A. at our Modern Musician Mastermind. And she just has so much soul and light and vibrancy. And she's accomplished some pretty amazing things.

Some really incredible things in her own journey and her own music. And I thought it'd be awesome to connect with her today on the podcast so we could share her story with all of you amazing musicians. So Tre, thank you so much for taking the time to be here today. 

Tre: Thank you for having me, Michael.

Michael: Absolutely. So Tre, maybe we could kick things off and just for anyone who this is their first time connecting with you, or you know, if they haven't heard your music yet, maybe you could introduce yourself briefly and share a little bit about who you are and your music.

Tre: Absolutely. So I am an international recording producer and singer songwriter. So all of my music has me all over it, which is amazing. I've been making music for almost about 10 years now. Got the courage to put it out about four years ago, three, four years ago. But yeah, it's on all streaming platforms @IamTreRochelle.

And but yeah, I'm local. I'm local right here in San Antonio, Texas. So I'm a Texas artist. And yeah, just, just enjoying it. I'm from New Orleans originally. So little New Orleans, Memphis flair, and I do a neo soul. I write anything, but my lane is kind of neo soul lounge kind of, just good feeling music.

Michael: Yeah. That totally makes sense. I feel like you put the soul in Neo's soul. 

Tre: Oh, thank you, Michael. 

Michael: So let's rewind back to when we first started working together in Modern Musician. Maybe you could share a little bit about where you were at and, you know, why did you join Modern Musician in the first place?

Tre: Absolutely. Yeah, it was about three years ago. So, you know, all the good pandemic times. I don't think I knew that that was coming, but something in me knew something was coming, clearly. So I just showed up. I had I had music that I wanted to get out and just wasn't, I sure that the way that I was doing it was how I should be doing it and some kind of way the algorithm pulled me in and Had a great friend from a previous songwriting community that as soon as I got on the live I saw him.

I'm like Oh, this is clearly it. And that was Eli. So I was like, Oh my gosh, Eli's here. Legit. Just a stamp of approval. Right? I've been following, I've known Eli for probably about seven, eight years now. Probably. So yeah. So as soon as I saw him, I was like, This explains it. This is exactly what I'm supposed to be because I've been watching him.

I was a stay at home mom. I had reentered the workforce. You know, between all of this time, I was kind of looking for how can I make this passion start making sense for me and get to a place where I can truly be creative, right? All the time. And he had, I met him. just as he started that journey.

And I was like, you know what? I'm going to watch him because I think he has the formula. So I secretly have been watching. And then, so when I saw him, I was like, okay, I'm sold. And so from that point on modern musician has not disappointed. And it's been an amazing, amazing ride. And I'm so glad that something pulled me in and you are absolutely amazing.

So once I got here, you actually sold it and I'm on board. So yeah, at that time, I just. I probably had about my friends and family that I had probably been talking to over and over again Hey, listen to my music, tell somebody about it. And, you know, I probably had some mediocre things. People were saying that they liked my music, but my confidence, and I still have my insecurities there.

And it was just pure passion and the need for me to get music out that I had done, but strategically doing it, making sure it was in front of the right person, making sure that I was. certain about how I wanted to brand myself, what I wanted to do, all those things I wasn't even wasn't even thinking about.

It was just like, Oh, I got music. Oh, I can write music. Oh, I can put out music. Okay, I'm doing all of that. And so that's kind of where I started. You know, I was, my confidence wasn't completely there, but I just knew that it was something that I wanted to do. And I was out looking for what's the best way to do it because I'm a very strategic organized person.

So I'm like, okay, what's the fastest way to get there? And I'm always looking for those, for those nuggets. And so landed in the right place. 

Michael: That's so awesome. I actually didn't know that that you had came in from connecting with Eli, but that totally makes sense. I mean, like Eli is one of the best humans I know as well.

And he's, and now he's a business partner here at Modern Musician. Right. But he was someone who started as a client. I remember connecting with him and immediately I was just like, dang, this guy, you know, he's like vibrating on another. I mean, kind of the same feeling I have when I talk to you, Tre.

But that, that definitely makes, that definitely makes sense. Okay. So you, you come into the program, you know, you have a relationship with Eli, so you can kind of watch his journey. So you can kind of, you can, you can start to sense and watch this journey happening. So you're coming into it. It's almost like having a crystal ball where you can see a little bit like towards, towards the future of what's kind of coming.

But you're at a point where, you know, the music is a passion, but you haven't really built, you know, or establish yourself or gain traction in a way that kind of gives you that, that confidence. What do you say is sort of like the biggest challenge, the biggest hurdle that you kind of experienced as it related to getting started and, you know, kind of overcoming that initial starting point of not being 100 percent you know, fully confident yet.

Tre: Yeah, I, I would say. My biggest challenge was me. I was my biggest challenge. And I think to this day, it's different versions of that. So it's always like, how can I get me out of the way? Can I, how can I get this limiting belief out of my way? How can I get this, this thing out of my way that, you know, is truly something that's in the control of me, something I'm believing, something I'm thinking you know, something with my thought, even just with me singing all together, my vocal coach told me one day was like I know you don't think that your voice is all that, but you're one opinion.

And once you start letting people hear it, you know, you're going to see that you're one opinion, put that along with all these other people and start believing. Like start, start that, start that way. And so that's kind of just an ongoing journey of mine, but I find that I'm the one who's out there. I'm my hardest critic.

I want to do things to perfection. I feel that I can do a lot of things. And so I do too many things. So. That's been my whole thing the whole way, right? So I'm always looking for the quickest path for me to be able to do everything. So what I had to learn was that I needed to have a tool. I needed to have a team.

I needed to have tools. I needed to have things that could get me there faster. I needed to have people who were going to be a side by me to actually hold me accountable. And not just to hold me accountable to tell me the things that I need to do, but to actually do things for me. Actually... do it.

And that is what was a game changer and amazing for me with Modern Musician because I would show up doing doing great. But in my mind, I hadn't done everything I was supposed to do. I hadn't done everything. But when I showed up, all I had to do is just show up. And I had to learn this over like about a month or two just show up.

And if I show up, we take it from there and we go and we make so much progress in such a small amount of time. And so I had to just really learn just do it. Show up, be present, and be committed, be consistent, and just continue to grow and go forward. Get out of your own way, because sometimes when we stop and we're looking around and we're paying attention to other things, we're not moving, and we're not focusing, and we're not seeing the gift that's right in front of us, right?

So, you know, you put it off, you reschedule it, because you're not ready, you're not ready, and really you just need to just... Come as you are because you are ready and you can do it and what you have and what you need is right there with you right then, but if you put off doing that, then it's just going to be ready for you whenever you finally choose to do it.

So choose to do it like that's been my biggest challenge of me and just saying I'm going to choose to do this. I'm saying I'm going to do this. I'm committed to this. I'm investing in this. There are people who now I know that there are people who hear my music that I have no connection to and it's doing crazy things for them.

And it's resonating with them and they're counting on me to serve them. So now it has a whole different, different thing for me. So I had to get out my own way because it's not, it's my gift and it's what I'm supposed to give and share. And if I don't get out of my own way, that can't flow. So yeah, that's, that's been, that's been a big challenge.

And I'll say it's just ongoing to another level because you just start doing. New different scarier type things and you gotta hurry up and get yourself out the way So it's a you know, just get out your way so you can get to your next get out the way

Michael: Wow, that was that was so well articulated Nuggets that you just shared there. I mean that That seems to me like more than anything else, you know, sort of this pattern that I've noticed with successful people and how they think about the world and just what you just shared there about looking internally, looking inside and saying, you know, how, what, how am I limiting myself?

What are the limiting beliefs? What's holding, what am I holding myself back? How am I the roadblock? That's the thing that like everyone who is achieving, you know, phenomenal things is doing is they're looking at how can I, how can I grow? How can I how can I evolve and seeing themselves as sort of like taking Accountability or responsibility for it while surrounding themselves with, you know, the resources and the environment that's going to empower them to be able to do it.

So. That's amazing. So maybe you can share a little bit about, you know, like you mentioned this, it's a ongoing journey and there's always going to be like other, like new levels of contribution and new levels of growth. And so it's, it's never going to be like, okay, like I've arrived and that's it.

And I'm done. I'm done discovering who I am. But certainly like your journey is, has been pretty amazing and it kind of from that starting point to where you are now really there's a lot to, to celebrate. Maybe you could share, you know, some, some of the highlights or some of the most, like the biggest moments of validation and sort of, of transformation that you've experienced in, in your journey so far.

Tre: Absolutely. I want to say as soon as I set up, as soon as I did my fan challenge that first time and immediately I started being able to talk to 50 people who had heard my music and were like, Oh my gosh, I love this. And they were from like all over the place like that. I just remember that blowing my mind every morning, getting up, being able to talk with real true fans, real people that.

And I was like, Oh my goodness. And that, that has expanded to, I think now I probably have that least conversations of about maybe 1500 people. And my email list is at about almost 900. And I have telephone numbers and texting. And so I'm communicating. And at first I remember being like, okay, I'm going to set that up like way back then.

There's no way I could be keeping up with all those conversations and all of that information and it's led to me being able to be on different people's podcasts, it's led to me getting a very high paying gig in a whole nother city where I had to acquire a whole band, like my first like 5k gig, like amazing, amazing just, just off of people just hearing my music.

Buying into my, to my story, just resonating with me, like just from me setting up systems and tools to kind of just get myself out there repeatedly. Right. Now, October 1st, because I did a, I also did a outside block party where I was on a different stage, but I was in the vicinity and I was before Anthony Hamilton, which is like crazy soul.

Right. I mean, it was just like, amazing. I got to meet him and everything, and I stopped performing right, I had to shut my stage down as soon as his started, that was like, amazing. Now, October 1st, I'm opening for Spire Gyra, here in San Antonio, in my own city, cause that was in Florida, but this was in my own city.

I'm just like, over over the moon, I've always wanted to be on like, in jazz festivals, and, and I'm just like, okay. Like I can see how these things are just going and I'm ready. I was a cover artist. So I've always had a band. I've been singing in a band for probably about 11 years now, always doing covers and all of that.

So my stage and live performance has been there. I'm, you know, I'm ready for that. And now to just see. Everything that I'm doing, people hearing my story, people hearing my music, people seeing how all of this is packaged together and truly saying because that's what the promoter told me. He said that, you know, you had quality music, you had quality pictures, quality acts, asset assets to share.

And it was a no brainer for the manager. They were like, absolutely. We'll, we'll let her, let her open for us. We're on board with that. So it was just knowing my story, staying true to me, being authentic to who I was. I didn't have to really change and tweak. You know, I tweaked what I did. I got more, more connected with what I was doing along the journey.

Literally one thing led to the next and it fed me like, Oh, okay. They, they know me. Oh, wow. Okay. Let me share this piece of me. Okay. Let me be a little bit more vulnerable with this. Okay. Maybe I should put this out. Maybe they like that. Okay. And then you never know who's looking at you and people are like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing.

And the artists that have seen what I'm doing that have called me to say, Hey, how are you doing that? I like how you're doing that. I'm watching how you're doing that, you know, and so that has been amazing to just be kind of like a leader for just for independent artists. You know, it's a, it's a grind.

It's a grind. And so, That, that's been, that's been my, my biggest thing, but now the big thing is that I'm about to hit the stage with Spire Gyre. You know, been out here for almost 50 years, and they're still rocking the stage. And it's jazz, and fuse, Latin ish kind of music so, that is like amazing.

But it has been an amazing, amazing ride. Amazing ride. And the things I know, technically... To do like the business sense that I have the technical data. Like I understand my fan. Like I have my avatars. I know the types of people when I'm picking out my merch, you know, I just got a little, I've noticed that a lot of, a lot of ladies are, you know, using these fans now.

I'm just like, that's my people. So I'm looking around and I can pick things because I know my people now. It's not just like my family that I'm like, I hope they like me. Do they think they like me? So it's a lot of people and it keeps putting me on bigger and bigger stages. And I'm just, I'm just enjoying, I'm enjoying the ride and I have a number of future things that are out there.

Where I'm expanding my offerings and the services and the things that I'm doing. That sounds so amazing that I'm studying for right now. And it's, it's been an amazing, amazing ride. And once again, just because I just chose to get out of my way, believe, stay present, stay consistent, and just do what was in front of me to do.

That's it. Like it's, it's a lot of work, but when you just do it in bite sizes and you just keep going with it, it just kind of snowballs. And yeah, that, that's kind of how been my journey. I keep, thank goodness, you know, I'm staying connected with the modern musician community. So you all always remind me, what are your wins?

What have you won? How have things been going? And that is where I'm like, oh. Because I remember I wrote out all my wins, and I didn't even think about the 5, 000 gig. And then I came back wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I actually did have a I mean, it's just, it's just that's what happens. You're like, you're so happy with where you're going, that you don't pick up those things.

It's oh my gosh. I did do that. And if I hadn't did that, it was because of my funnel. It was because of the traffic that I was driving. That's what did it. Yeah, I can go on and on about modern musician. I I'm so, 

Michael: so good. There's, there's, there's so many, so many golden lessons in there. And it's totally true it's just human our minds, the way our minds work, you know, it's, our minds are future engines to be able to, they're amazing tools to help us to set goals and to, you know, to become more than we are, but it is all too easy to do.

lose ourselves in look, if, if we live in that mind state, we're always somewhere else and we never fully appreciate where we are now. So you're a beautiful example of being able to stay present and you'll be able to reflect on those wins, those graduates to celebrate which also reinforces you as, as you continue to, to grow and grow.

One thing that you mentioned You kind of like at the beginning right at the beginning before you had this amazing community and before you had this, you know, this momentum Because I think a lot of people I know I certainly could relate with it I think a lot of musicians can kind of relate with that early point before you really have That community and before you have that support and some people have different levels of support from you know Their surroundings for their friends and family sometimes they feel like They just keep hitting up the same people over and over again to come out to their shows.

And they don't really have that experience of connecting with real fans. And so they have that, you know, that confidence, that doubt of, you know, am I really good enough? Can I really do this? I was, you know, you mentioned kind of starting there and now having this, you know, you, you talked about it and I, I could just sense it, like this sense of, Purpose of the sense of connection you know, that you're showing up for your fans, you're showing up for your community, that, that you're, that you're making this impact on them.

Maybe you could share a little bit about that journey specifically for you. And maybe what were some of those moments that you experienced that sort of helped you to fully recognize and appreciate the value of what you're doing and the impact that that you're making on your fans? 

Tre: Yeah, I, you know, I have I had very how can I say it?

Parents who wanted high achievement in the areas that they recognized. I think that might be a great way to say it. And so, the things, but then here comes this creative, A da da da da, Rachel, a da da da da, you know. And I'm just kind of like, okay, yes, quickly. Okay. That's what you want. Okay. I can do that.

But look at all of this, you know, that's really where I'm having fun. Right. So I was that child. Right. So, but with that, it was kind of like, Nope, this is all I appreciate. This is all I want. This is all I want. And so when it comes to music, and I think musicians, I think we run into this all the time. We expect that the people who have been for us, closest to us, nurturing us, we expect that they're going to be just as happy as we are because we found this wonderful thing that we want to share, right?

And, at times, they can only see what they can see, right? They can only see what they've seen. And in many cases, they are seeing all of the traps that have been in front of you, because maybe those were the same traps that they had, or whatever it is, right? They have their lens. And sometimes they can't see you other than what they seen you as, right?

You fell on the bike before, no matter how many times they taught you how to ride a bike, and you didn't learn how to ride a bike, and they can't, if you couldn't figure out how to ride a bike, surely this music thing is just your music thing. You know, something silly like that, right? But, and so, I think with all of that, it kind of, it kind of, but it sends signals to you that Gosh, if I'm not great enough for the people that have been around me to see me actually walk this journey, then is this really you know, am I?

You know, am I? And so some people who are tied into music, they can get validated because they can just stumble upon it. Somebody's oh my gosh, okay, they're really great, and pull it in. But if you're out on an island, and you just have this stuff in you, and you're giving it out it can be really hard to get it from the people who have emotionally been there for you or physically been there for you just because they just can't.

I think it's just some limitations that's just there, right? Everybody likes different things, and just because they can to you doesn't mean that they don't like your thing and doesn't mean they're going to support you. And in many cases, you may be let down by those people. It's a harsh reality to know that you can't you can't do that.

And once again, it comes back to what my vocal coach told me that first time. That's one opinion. One opinion. Don't put extra weight on one opinion. Even if it's your own, or your parents, or your family, your siblings, whatever. And so, but, when you're starting off, that's what you're that's what you're closest to.

And sometimes that can 100 percent limit you, right? Because you're trying to hold up. The presence and the persona that they see you as that they value opposed to what you're so you got to figure out that part So I went through that for a good little while but once I started Running it once I started doing live performances and being at weddings and you know, all of a sudden you hear You know, you go in and you hear all the noise and everything then you start hearing the noise get quiet And people are like listening to you.

Then you start talking, then you start sharing stories. And then afterwards you're talking to people and they're just like, Oh my gosh, like I had all of this going on. And then you start saying, okay, hold on. I don't care what anybody else is thinking. This right here is real and I am really servicing, serving this person.

And it really made me kind of become a person who said, you know what, when I go in here I'm going to be 100 percent in the moment and I'm going to give it all that I got. I'm going to leave it all on the stage. And when I went into recording in the studio, I would say I'm going to create this song from this place and put it all out there.

And anytime I'm talking with anyone or engaging anyone, I'm like, this is what I'm, I'm going to do that because. It causes these moments in this connection and all of that, and you can't take that for granted because you don't know what it is. And if you hold back because of your own, you know, you being scared and being, not wanting to be vulnerable, like art is all about vulnerability.

And it's a way for people to feel safe. And so, you know, as artists, I feel like, especially with music, we give people an opportunity to relax in something or get upset and disappointed about something. We, we give them an opportunity to emote for the sake of music. And that's a. I mean, that, and it could just be in a moment.

You just turn on the radio, you hear a certain song, you're in a whole other place. That is a true gift. And so, I think, really, me realizing the magic of that, and starting to get more people. Outside of my family, but more people to actually have those one on one connections with and people reacting to my songs It just kind of made me be like, you know what?

Yeah continue to tell real stories with real music we're with real messages like continue to do that and continue to do it well, you know? And so I think as an artist, we second guess ourselves. We're so hard on ourselves. Our, so many I call them UFOs, unfinished object recordings that people have that we're just not wanting to let go of, you know, that we're just holding on to because, but they need to be released.

It was somebody with them in mind, right? So I think once again, another, you need to get out your way in some things, but starting off, like it was scary. It was scary to put it out there because if they didn't like me, you know, just take it like for me, for if my parents didn't appreciate it, then how could anybody else appreciate it?

And so I think two years into being with Modern Musician, I've realized that. I was even downgrading what was happening for me because it wasn't coming from my expected places. Surely I'm doing all of this now, and no it still is exactly as it was back then. Don't put extra on it. You know, go to where your tribe is.

Go to where the message was supposed to be sent. If it wasn't supposed to be there, then they're not going to value it. You know people have different value systems. So I think just really I had to learn to accept and be more aware and be open to getting things from unexpected places and You know, that's such as life right but that I think that core thing like be open to this looking differently than what you thought.

Michael: That's so good. I mean, yeah, I personally can, can really relate and I think a lot of musicians can probably relate to starting out and maybe there's, it's not necessarily it could be parents or it could be like a partner or it could be someone that's really close to you that. doesn't quite get it.

It just doesn't. It's like they're not a fan of the music and being able to, to not necessarily need their acceptance for it, not need them to be a fan of the music and being able to have those experiences with the people who, who are connected with it, who you're serving. So, so powerful. What, what I got reminded of as you're, as you're sharing that story is, you know, one of my favorite.

Quotes. I think it's James Brown who said don't believe me, just, just watch. Don't, don't believe me, just watch. Right. Right. Bruno Mars, you brought it back. Don't believe it. Just watch. Just watch. Yeah. It's, it's so good. It is. And I love i, I love coming back to that and, you know, especially for anyone who's, you know, experiencing that of people who doubt and maybe self-doubt, when can I really do this?

No don't, don't believe me. Just watch. Yeah. I'm gonna make it happen. And I, and I sense that from, from you and I think it's a, a, an embodiment of one of those success trait is sort of being like prone towards action and towards you know, I'm gonna make this happen no matter what. Don't, don't believe me.

Exactly. Just watch, just watch. And I think, you know, it's interesting to it seems like there's sort of this archetype or the story like archetype where in a lot of movies, I think what's high school musical, one of these, yeah, I think this is one of the ones in high school musical where it's like the The parents don't quite understand.

They don't get it. Then there's a passion, and they still don't get it, but then there's kind of that moment at the end where they perform, and there's a huge performance, and then the parent gets it. And that appreciation really is there. And so, yeah, I think that's a part of all of our stories.

Certainly had that experience with you know, in our own career of having that sense of doubt or confidence at the very beginning and then kind of coming back to our hometown and seeing people like the light bulb go off at a certain moment. So I'm definitely encouraging to hear that. And for anyone who might be experiencing that right now In fact, you know, maybe this is, this can lead to our nice kind of closing question, which is, you know, if you had to share one piece of advice, if you could go back in time to yourself at the very beginning or if you can imagine that we're speaking to someone who's listening or watching this right now, who's at that point, Knowing kind of what you know now what would you share with them?

They're kind of at the beginning and they're, they're kind of doubting can I really do this? Maybe they don't necessarily have support from, you know, key people in their life and they're, they're, they're questioning themselves, but they, but they have that, that calling or they have that passion, that voice that they want to be able to share.

Tre: Oh my God, that's bringing, you see it bringing up tears. That's real trust you. Like your gut There's like bet on you Invest in you you are enough like It's in you and it's only given to you that's, that's the amazing part, right? Yeah, we have influences and all those things, but no one can do it but you.

And that, whatever you have to do, whatever your reason is, whatever, whatever you, what, by any means necessary, I tell myself this all the time Malcolm X by any means necessary, do it it's you, you have It's, it's all in you. The gift was placed in you. Don't let it sit for too much longer.

Just take action. You gotta get it out of you. Because someone needs it. And they can only get it when it comes from your form, from you. Nobody else is gonna get it, right? And... You have to let it go. I, I would, I would go back and tell my young self, Start. Stop. Stop. Stop what you, stop this.

Thinking of tomorrow, maybe, I'm not ready, I'm not good enough, I'm not small enough, I'm not big enough, I'm not, I don't know how to play enough instruments, you know, I'm a vocalist, I think, oh, I only sing at the church, I don't know anybody, I don't have any contacts, I don't live in LA, I don't live in New York all those things find a point where you just say, I'm gonna bet on me, and I'm gonna trust me.

And I'm going to accept a small win as approval that I'm in the right place. And I'm going to do the same thing. wake up the next day and I'm going to do the same thing. And if I wake up one day and I haven't done it for a week, I'm going to get up and I'm going to say I'm going to start again. That, that is what I would tell myself to, you know, keep doing it.

Keep betting on, keep betting on you. And, you know, it became emotional for me because I just know how long I sat. On the sideline, just looking and doubting and, you know, not, not trusting me and the same great, good stuff that was in me that I'm using now that I can see now and appreciate now was always there.

It was always there. And so it was always there, like literally. So I think just trust you. I like, I can't, I know it sounds so simple, but, you know, trust you, you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be listening to this podcast if there wasn't something in you that made you resonate with the message of being a modern musician, a modern creative, there's something there.

So. Trust yourself to make the next step and then trust that the next step is going to be right after that. That's it. Yeah 

Michael: Holy cow Trey. That's just so much So much, wisdom and gold they're sharing right now. This hit me right right in the heart. So thank you so much for for being yourself and for trusting yourself and showing up here and sharing your message both for you and for all the people that you're impacting with it.

And now you can, you're even expanding that to, to, to impact and help all the people who are in this right now. So thank you for being you. And for anyone who is listening or watching this right now and is interested in connecting more where'd be the best, best place for them to go to connect more?

Tre: Absolutely. So on all social media platforms, you can find me at I am. Tre, t r e Rochelle, r o c h e l l e. So @IamTreRochelle, that's on YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, all that great stuff. And then if you wanna check it, take a listen to my music. Just put music dot Tre rochelle.com. And it'll bring you, bring you to hear a song and pick, choose your adventure of how you want to go about it.

Makes it a lot easier for you. So, yeah, and then just, just connect with me and let me know what you think. Put in a comment somewhere email me and we'll talk and catch up. But I would love to hear, hear from anyone and I'm always an open book. So let's connect and go out and be our authentic selves together.


Michael: I love it. Thank you. Thank you so much. And, and such an encouraging you know, mindset too, of of coming back to the present moment. It's not in the future. It's not tomorrow. It's not sitting on the sidelines. It's this is your time, like this is it right now. And the only thing that's holding you back is, is yourself.

So trust in yourself, go all in, show up now and showing up one step at a time. Is, is really how we embody, you know, this, this principle of expressing who, who we are. So thank you for being such a glowing example of that. We'll put all the links in the show notes and looking forward to our next mastermind.


Tre: I am too. Yes.

Michael: Yay.