Episode 191: Shifting Paradigms: Root Problems in Traditional Vocal Training and How To Transform Your Technique with Arden Kaywin



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Meet Arden Kaywin, an accomplished singer, songwriter, and expert vocal coach who is revolutionizing the way we approach singing. Arden leverages her diverse experiences to help singers realize their full potential. A graduate of Oberlin Conservatory and The Manhattan School of Music, she brilliantly blends her classical training with her pop expertise to coach singers across the globe in her transformative Intensive Program.

Arden discusses the imperative need for a holistic approach to singing. She emphasizes that often the hurdles singers face are deeply-rooted and unaddressed by traditional vocal training.

Learning Lessons: 

  • The critical role of the mind-body connection in overcoming vocal challenges

  • The transformative potential of Arden's unique approach to vocal training and performance

  • How to transform your singing career by being authentic and discarding attachment to outcomes

Coming soon!