Episode 183: The Gift of Song: Creating High-Value Custom Songs and Transformational Fan Experiences with Eli Lev



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International touring artist and global citizen Eli Lev is making the world a smaller place, one song at a time. Eli pens lyrics and melodies for everyday enlightenment that offer the wisdom he’s gained through lifelong travel and self-discovery. Some of his passions include connecting with his Levitators community, getting geeky with building online automated systems, and helping artists make a full-time living doing what they love.

In this enlightening episode, host Michael Walker delves into the inspiring journey of Eli Lev from educator to full-time musician. With a particular focus on his unique approach of offering custom songs to his fans, Eli reveals the process, structure, and marketing strategies that make his music resonate on a deeply personal level.

Key Learning Points: 

  • Understand how custom songs provide a unique, personal experience to fans, and the significant value they add to both the artist and the listeners

  • Learn how the concept of filtering and selectivity is crucial in the music industry, and how it aids in delivering value-based offerings to fans

  • Gain insight into the significance of connections and relationships and how they lead to authentic and meaningful experiences

Coming soon!